Interface HtmlBaseAttributeMap

The tag-specific attributes that are valid for each HTML tag.

interface HtmlBaseAttributeMap {
    a: "type" | "name" | "rel" | "target" | "rev" | "download" | "href" | "hreflang" | "ping" | "referrerpolicy" | "charset" | "coords" | "shape";
    abbr: undefined;
    acronym: undefined;
    address: undefined;
    applet: "object" | "code" | "height" | "width" | "name" | "align" | "archive" | "codebase" | "hspace" | "vspace" | "alt";
    area: "type" | "rel" | "target" | "download" | "href" | "hreflang" | "ping" | "referrerpolicy" | "alt" | "coords" | "shape" | "nohref";
    article: undefined;
    aside: undefined;
    audio: "crossorigin" | "src" | "autoplay" | "controls" | "loop" | "muted" | "preload";
    b: undefined;
    base: "target" | "href";
    basefont: "color" | "size" | "face";
    bdi: undefined;
    bdo: undefined;
    bgsound: undefined;
    big: undefined;
    blink: undefined;
    blockquote: "cite";
    body: "link" | "background" | "text" | "alink" | "bgcolor" | "vlink";
    br: "clear";
    button: "type" | "name" | "value" | "form" | "disabled" | "formaction" | "formenctype" | "formmethod" | "formnovalidate" | "formtarget" | "popovertarget" | "popovertargetaction";
    canvas: "height" | "width";
    caption: "align";
    center: undefined;
    cite: undefined;
    code: undefined;
    col: "width" | "span" | "align" | "char" | "charoff" | "valign";
    colgroup: "width" | "span" | "align" | "char" | "charoff" | "valign";
    command: undefined;
    content: undefined;
    data: "value";
    datalist: undefined;
    dd: undefined;
    del: "cite" | "datetime";
    details: "open" | "name";
    dfn: undefined;
    dialog: "open";
    dir: "compact";
    div: "align";
    dl: "compact";
    dt: undefined;
    element: undefined;
    em: undefined;
    embed: "type" | "height" | "width" | "src";
    fieldset: "name" | "form" | "disabled";
    figcaption: undefined;
    figure: undefined;
    font: "color" | "size" | "face";
    footer: undefined;
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    frame: "name" | "src" | "frameborder" | "longdesc" | "marginheight" | "marginwidth" | "scrolling" | "noresize";
    frameset: "cols" | "rows";
    h1: "align";
    h2: "align";
    h3: "align";
    h4: "align";
    h5: "align";
    h6: "align";
    head: "profile";
    header: undefined;
    hgroup: undefined;
    hr: "width" | "size" | "align" | "noshade";
    html: "manifest" | "version";
    i: undefined;
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    image: undefined;
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    input: "max" | "required" | "type" | "height" | "width" | "name" | "min" | "value" | "form" | "pattern" | "autocomplete" | "disabled" | "multiple" | "size" | "readonly" | "align" | "usemap" | "accept" | "alt" | "checked" | "dirname" | "formaction" | "formenctype" | "formmethod" | "formnovalidate" | "formtarget" | "ismap" | "list" | "maxlength" | "minlength" | "placeholder" | "popovertarget" | "popovertargetaction" | "src" | "step";
    ins: "cite" | "datetime";
    isindex: "prompt";
    kbd: undefined;
    keygen: undefined;
    label: "form" | "for";
    legend: "align";
    li: "type" | "value";
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    listing: undefined;
    main: undefined;
    map: "name";
    mark: undefined;
    marquee: undefined;
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    menu: "compact";
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    multicol: undefined;
    nav: undefined;
    nextid: undefined;
    nobr: undefined;
    noembed: undefined;
    noframes: undefined;
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    ol: "type" | "start" | "compact" | "reversed";
    optgroup: "label" | "disabled";
    option: "value" | "label" | "disabled" | "selected";
    output: "name" | "form" | "for";
    p: "align";
    param: "type" | "name" | "value" | "valuetype";
    picture: undefined;
    plaintext: undefined;
    pre: "width";
    progress: "max" | "value";
    q: "cite";
    rb: undefined;
    rbc: undefined;
    rp: undefined;
    rt: undefined;
    rtc: undefined;
    ruby: undefined;
    s: undefined;
    samp: undefined;
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    search: undefined;
    section: undefined;
    select: "required" | "name" | "form" | "autocomplete" | "disabled" | "multiple" | "size";
    shadow: undefined;
    slot: "name";
    small: undefined;
    source: "type" | "media" | "height" | "width" | "sizes" | "src" | "srcset";
    spacer: undefined;
    span: undefined;
    strike: undefined;
    strong: undefined;
    style: "type" | "media" | "blocking";
    sub: undefined;
    summary: undefined;
    sup: undefined;
    table: "width" | "border" | "summary" | "frame" | "align" | "bgcolor" | "cellpadding" | "cellspacing" | "rules";
    tbody: "align" | "char" | "charoff" | "valign";
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    template: "shadowrootdelegatesfocus" | "shadowrootmode";
    textarea: "required" | "name" | "form" | "autocomplete" | "disabled" | "readonly" | "dirname" | "maxlength" | "minlength" | "placeholder" | "cols" | "rows" | "wrap";
    tfoot: "align" | "char" | "charoff" | "valign";
    th: "height" | "width" | "abbr" | "align" | "bgcolor" | "char" | "charoff" | "valign" | "axis" | "colspan" | "headers" | "nowrap" | "rowspan" | "scope";
    thead: "align" | "char" | "charoff" | "valign";
    time: "datetime";
    title: undefined;
    tr: "align" | "bgcolor" | "char" | "charoff" | "valign";
    track: "default" | "label" | "src" | "kind" | "srclang";
    tt: undefined;
    u: undefined;
    ul: "type" | "compact";
    var: undefined;
    video: "height" | "width" | "crossorigin" | "src" | "autoplay" | "controls" | "loop" | "muted" | "preload" | "playsinline" | "poster";
    wbr: undefined;
    xmp: undefined;


a: "type" | "name" | "rel" | "target" | "rev" | "download" | "href" | "hreflang" | "ping" | "referrerpolicy" | "charset" | "coords" | "shape"
abbr: undefined
acronym: undefined
address: undefined
applet: "object" | "code" | "height" | "width" | "name" | "align" | "archive" | "codebase" | "hspace" | "vspace" | "alt"
area: "type" | "rel" | "target" | "download" | "href" | "hreflang" | "ping" | "referrerpolicy" | "alt" | "coords" | "shape" | "nohref"
article: undefined
aside: undefined
audio: "crossorigin" | "src" | "autoplay" | "controls" | "loop" | "muted" | "preload"
b: undefined
base: "target" | "href"
basefont: "color" | "size" | "face"
bdi: undefined
bdo: undefined
bgsound: undefined
big: undefined
blink: undefined
blockquote: "cite"
body: "link" | "background" | "text" | "alink" | "bgcolor" | "vlink"
br: "clear"
button: "type" | "name" | "value" | "form" | "disabled" | "formaction" | "formenctype" | "formmethod" | "formnovalidate" | "formtarget" | "popovertarget" | "popovertargetaction"
canvas: "height" | "width"
caption: "align"
center: undefined
cite: undefined
code: undefined
col: "width" | "span" | "align" | "char" | "charoff" | "valign"
colgroup: "width" | "span" | "align" | "char" | "charoff" | "valign"
command: undefined
content: undefined
data: "value"
datalist: undefined
dd: undefined
del: "cite" | "datetime"
details: "open" | "name"
dfn: undefined
dialog: "open"
dir: "compact"
div: "align"
dl: "compact"
dt: undefined
element: undefined
em: undefined
embed: "type" | "height" | "width" | "src"
fieldset: "name" | "form" | "disabled"
figcaption: undefined
figure: undefined
font: "color" | "size" | "face"
footer: undefined
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frame: "name" | "src" | "frameborder" | "longdesc" | "marginheight" | "marginwidth" | "scrolling" | "noresize"
frameset: "cols" | "rows"
h1: "align"
h2: "align"
h3: "align"
h4: "align"
h5: "align"
h6: "align"
head: "profile"
header: undefined
hgroup: undefined
hr: "width" | "size" | "align" | "noshade"
html: "manifest" | "version"
i: undefined
iframe: "height" | "width" | "name" | "loading" | "referrerpolicy" | "align" | "src" | "allow" | "allowfullscreen" | "allowpaymentrequest" | "allowusermedia" | "frameborder" | "longdesc" | "marginheight" | "marginwidth" | "sandbox" | "scrolling" | "srcdoc"
image: undefined
img: "height" | "width" | "name" | "border" | "loading" | "referrerpolicy" | "crossorigin" | "align" | "hspace" | "usemap" | "vspace" | "fetchpriority" | "sizes" | "alt" | "ismap" | "src" | "srcset" | "longdesc" | "decoding"
input: "max" | "required" | "type" | "height" | "width" | "name" | "min" | "value" | "form" | "pattern" | "autocomplete" | "disabled" | "multiple" | "size" | "readonly" | "align" | "usemap" | "accept" | "alt" | "checked" | "dirname" | "formaction" | "formenctype" | "formmethod" | "formnovalidate" | "formtarget" | "ismap" | "list" | "maxlength" | "minlength" | "placeholder" | "popovertarget" | "popovertargetaction" | "src" | "step"
ins: "cite" | "datetime"
isindex: "prompt"
kbd: undefined
keygen: undefined
label: "form" | "for"
legend: "align"
li: "type" | "value"
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listing: undefined
main: undefined
map: "name"
mark: undefined
marquee: undefined
math: undefined
menu: "compact"
menuitem: undefined
meta: "media" | "name" | "content" | "charset" | "http-equiv" | "scheme"
meter: "max" | "high" | "low" | "min" | "value" | "optimum"
multicol: undefined
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nobr: undefined
noembed: undefined
noframes: undefined
noscript: undefined
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ol: "type" | "start" | "compact" | "reversed"
optgroup: "label" | "disabled"
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p: "align"
param: "type" | "name" | "value" | "valuetype"
picture: undefined
plaintext: undefined
pre: "width"
progress: "max" | "value"
q: "cite"
rb: undefined
rbc: undefined
rp: undefined
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rtc: undefined
ruby: undefined
s: undefined
samp: undefined
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search: undefined
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select: "required" | "name" | "form" | "autocomplete" | "disabled" | "multiple" | "size"
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small: undefined
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spacer: undefined
span: undefined
strike: undefined
strong: undefined
style: "type" | "media" | "blocking"
sub: undefined
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table: "width" | "border" | "summary" | "frame" | "align" | "bgcolor" | "cellpadding" | "cellspacing" | "rules"
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template: "shadowrootdelegatesfocus" | "shadowrootmode"
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thead: "align" | "char" | "charoff" | "valign"
time: "datetime"
title: undefined
tr: "align" | "bgcolor" | "char" | "charoff" | "valign"
track: "default" | "label" | "src" | "kind" | "srclang"
tt: undefined
u: undefined
ul: "type" | "compact"
var: undefined
video: "height" | "width" | "crossorigin" | "src" | "autoplay" | "controls" | "loop" | "muted" | "preload" | "playsinline" | "poster"
wbr: undefined
xmp: undefined

Generated using TypeDoc