Interface SvgBaseAttributeMap

The tag-specific attributes that are valid for each SVG tag.

interface SvgBaseAttributeMap {
    a: "filter" | "fill" | "stroke" | "type" | "clip" | "color" | "cursor" | "direction" | "display" | "mask" | "opacity" | "overflow" | "transform" | "visibility" | "target" | "color-profile" | "alignment-baseline" | "baseline-shift" | "clip-path" | "clip-rule" | "color-interpolation" | "color-interpolation-filters" | "color-rendering" | "dominant-baseline" | "download" | "enable-background" | "externalResourcesRequired" | "fill-opacity" | "fill-rule" | "flood-color" | "flood-opacity" | "focusHighlight" | "focusable" | "font-family" | "font-size" | "font-size-adjust" | "font-stretch" | "font-style" | "font-variant" | "font-weight" | "glyph-orientation-horizontal" | "glyph-orientation-vertical" | "href" | "hreflang" | "image-rendering" | "kerning" | "letter-spacing" | "lighting-color" | "marker-end" | "marker-mid" | "marker-start" | "nav-down" | "nav-down-left" | "nav-down-right" | "nav-left" | "nav-next" | "nav-prev" | "nav-right" | "nav-up" | "nav-up-left" | "nav-up-right" | "ping" | "pointer-events" | "referrerpolicy" | "requiredExtensions" | "requiredFeatures" | "requiredFonts" | "requiredFormats" | "shape-rendering" | "stop-color" | "stop-opacity" | "stroke-dasharray" | "stroke-dashoffset" | "stroke-linecap" | "stroke-linejoin" | "stroke-miterlimit" | "stroke-opacity" | "stroke-width" | "systemLanguage" | "text-anchor" | "text-decoration" | "text-rendering" | "unicode-bidi" | "word-spacing" | "writing-mode";
    altGlyph: "filter" | "fill" | "stroke" | "clip" | "color" | "cursor" | "direction" | "display" | "mask" | "opacity" | "overflow" | "rotate" | "visibility" | "color-profile" | "glyphRef" | "alignment-baseline" | "baseline-shift" | "clip-path" | "clip-rule" | "color-interpolation" | "color-interpolation-filters" | "color-rendering" | "dominant-baseline" | "enable-background" | "externalResourcesRequired" | "fill-opacity" | "fill-rule" | "flood-color" | "flood-opacity" | "font-family" | "font-size" | "font-size-adjust" | "font-stretch" | "font-style" | "font-variant" | "font-weight" | "glyph-orientation-horizontal" | "glyph-orientation-vertical" | "image-rendering" | "kerning" | "letter-spacing" | "lighting-color" | "marker-end" | "marker-mid" | "marker-start" | "pointer-events" | "requiredExtensions" | "requiredFeatures" | "shape-rendering" | "stop-color" | "stop-opacity" | "stroke-dasharray" | "stroke-dashoffset" | "stroke-linecap" | "stroke-linejoin" | "stroke-miterlimit" | "stroke-opacity" | "stroke-width" | "systemLanguage" | "text-anchor" | "text-decoration" | "text-rendering" | "unicode-bidi" | "word-spacing" | "writing-mode" | "dx" | "dy" | "format" | "x" | "y";
    altGlyphDef: undefined;
    altGlyphItem: undefined;
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